A Step-by-Step Guide to the Root Canal Procedure

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a step-by-step guide to the root canal procedure

If you are scheduled for a root canal in Naples for the first time, you likely feel a little apprehensive, especially if you’ve heard horror stories about how painful and extensive root canals are. At Naples Dental Arts Center, we provide root canal treatment to save our patients’ teeth and remove the infection. In this blog post, we break down each step of the root canal procedure so that you can feel informed and hopefully less nervous about getting a root canal near you.

Step 1- Local Anesthesia

Your dentist will provide you with injections that numb your tooth and the area surrounding it. This will ensure that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure and will last until the procedure is complete.

Step 2- Dental Dam

Next, your dentist will place a dental dam over the affected tooth to isolate it from the rest of your mouth. A dental dam is a thin sheet made of rubber, and it will ensure that the environment your dentist is working in remains sterile and free from bacteria throughout the procedure.

Step 3- Drilling the Access Hole

Once your tooth is safely isolated, your dentist will drill a small hole in the surface of the affected tooth so that they can access the root canals and infected pulp chamber.

Step 4- Removing the Tissue and Disinfecting Your Tooth

The infected and diseased tissue will be removed from your tooth using specially designed tools that are made to access and clean out the delicate and small root canals. This is not painful because your tooth has already been numb, and the affected tissue is already dead or dying. After all the infected tissue has been removed, your dentist will disinfect the interior of your tooth using an antibacterial solution.

Step 5- Shaping and Filling

Next, your dentist will shape your canals and seal them after removing any lingering debris. After this, they will use a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to fill in the canal space. This step is vital in ensuring that the tooth does not become reinfected in the future.

Step 6- Treatment

Once the procedure is finished, your dentist in North Naples will provide you with an antibiotic to treat and prevent further infection. Ensure that you follow any healing instructions carefully. Most of the time, healing is quite simple, and any discomfort subsides after a couple of days. To treat your pain, use ibuprofen and cold compresses.

Step 7- Crown Placement

After you get a root canal, you will need a permanent dental crown placed over your tooth to provide a complete seal from any more bacteria. As well, a dental crown will provide extra strength and support for your treated tooth, allowing you to benefit from its use for years to come.

Visit Us Today!!

Now that you know what to expect when getting a root canal, hopefully, you are less nervous about moving forward. If you have any more questions or concerns about root canal treatment, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of dental professionals at Naples Dental Arts Center. We are here to help you in any way we can so that you can maintain optimal oral health for a lifetime.